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Writing Samples
Created Download Deck beside L&D content for the Executive Assistant position interview for Jennifer Arocho.
Created a marketing plan for a new product/service known as the "Flagship Experience".
Marketing communications plan for Starbucks to launch a product line of hard coffee seltzers in partnership with Budweiser.
Segment, target, and position process for the proposal of Amazon entering into a global market.
Situational analysis for Nokia introducing a new device to market and utilizing the integration of multichannel marketing.
Short copy for a custom pair of Nike LeBron X sneakers. I was able to change my style of writing to match the audience.
Short copy for the Nike LeBron X 'What the MVP'. I was able to change my style of writing to match the audience.
Short copy for the Nike Air Foamposite One 'Weatherman'. I was able to change my style of writing to match the audience.